Have you reviewed your E&O coverage?

Have you reviewed your E&O coverage?

Our exclusive E&O program for broker-dealers offers coverage for alternative investments. We have found ways to help lower rates, broaden coverage, and manage risk. Subscribers to AI Insight are eligible for reduced rates on policies. Specially designed to meet client needs and increase business opportunities. By lowering your rates and broadening your E&O coverage you can improve your protection even before you need it.  We’ve helped numerous companies save big while offering substantial improvements in their coverage.  Check out these success stories below to see what we mean.

Check out some E&O coverage success stories

  • Firm A: We were able to do something seemingly impossible for a client. This client received a quote from another broker that would put them out of net capital. Due to high premiums and deductibles. We saved them almost $100,000 in premium, lowered their deductible by $400,000, and significantly improved their coverage.

  • Firm B: By combining services with AI Insight, this new client reduced premiums by $20,000. Thus, gained valuable research, training, and documentation benefits.

  • Firm C: One client reduced its premium by 7.5% by signing up with our E&O coverage, realizing savings that covered its entire subscription fee.

  • Firm D: This firm, with a fair share of alternative investment claims, avoided a 25% rate increase, retained their limits and favorable deductible, and improved their trade error coverage and investment insolvency coverage.

  • Firm E: Another client reaped huge benefits in the form of over $100,000 in hard cost savings and coverage enhancements, including a 12% rate-per-advisor reduction. 

Review your E&O Coverage

The advantages of simply having our team review your coverage are worth a look.

✅ Reduce



We can quickly and efficiently review your E&O coverage now before you need it.  Interweb Insurance Pros can build an insurance program that will address the risks that remain. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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