
One household, one policy for all vehicles.

Auto Insurance with InterWeb Insurance

Don't know which way to turn for auto insurance coverage? We can help.

One Household, One Policy for all Vehicles This means that your InterWeb Auto policies are captured in one easy-to-read bill, so you don’t have to worry about different effective dates, renewals or multiple bills.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage that protects you financially if you’re in an accident with someone who’s at fault and either has no insurance or insufficient insurance.

Bodily Injury and Property Damage This covers your legal liability for a covered accident that involves injury to another person or damage to someone’s property, up to the limit of liability you select.

Rental Reimbursement If you rent a car after you have a covered loss on your automobile, the insurer will put buck$ back in your pocket.

Medical Payments Hopefully never needed, but always important with auto insurance, this coverage pays for the necessary medical care you receive as a result of an auto accident.

Towing and Roadside Service If your car needs towing or assistance on the road, we will cover the cost for you. This covers you for each disablement on a covered vehicle subject to a maximum limit per policy.

Loan/Lease Coverage This will pay the difference between what you owe on your vehicle and what your insurance pays, if your vehicle is declared a total loss after an accident or is stolen and not recovered, minus your comprehensive or collision deductible.

Top questions regarding Auto Insurance

Car insurance rates depend on a number of factors. These include:

  • Personal details like age, sex, and marital status

  • Where you live

  • Average annual distance driven

  • Your vehicle

  • Your credit

  • Your coverage amount and type

Yes. The market value of your car and the history of other drivers with the same make and model play a factor in your auto insurance rates. Certain safety features may not automatically qualify you for cheaper car insurance, but they can prevent you from getting into accidents, saving you money indirectly.

  • Your car insurance coverage depends on the type of policy you purchase. Different types of car insurance include:

    • Bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) liability coverage for damaged caused to other people or property.

    • Personal injury protection (PIP) to cover medical expenses and other damages.

    • Collision and comprehensive coverage for damage done to your vehicle in collisions, and in non-collisions (i.e., fire, vandalism, or theft).

    • Uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage protects in the event of an accident where the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance.

The first thing you should consider is how much coverage is required by your state. This can be found through your state’s DMV. That’s how much car insurance you have to buy, and should be the floor of your car insurance budget. Beyond that, you should buy as much car insurance coverage as you feel comfortable with and can afford.

You may decide to max out your car insurance budget with available options. UM/UIM is often overlooked but can be crucial in accidents with uninsured drivers and is a relatively inexpensive add-on; comprehensive coverage is usually more costly, but if you live in an area that has a high level of car theft, it might be a more valuable addition to you.

Car insurance is great for covering repair costs after an accident, but it won’t cover the costs of general wear and tear. That means when you take your car in to get the oil changed or the tires rotated, you’re footing that bill yourself.

However, you may find that your tires or batteries are covered by a warranty for a limited time, which can help cover your costs.

Gap insurance fills the gap between what your insurance company pays and for accident or theft, and what you owe on an existing car loan.

Car insurance pays out depending on your car’s current value. Because many cars lose value quickly, you may find yourself in a situation where you owe more on a loan than what the car is actually worth — for instance, you buy a $30,000 car and in one year it is valued at $22,000, but you still have $25,000 left on your own. Gap insurance covers that $3,000 difference.

Gap insurance typically adds on around 5% of your total car insurance bill.

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